Sacred Reality

This blog was started by Mary. I am a Roman Catholic wife and mother, interested in applying my faith to every aspect of my life and to the world around me. I try not to be a "Sunday-only" Catholic. However, I am still working out my faith with fear and trembling.

Location: The South, United States

Roman Catholic homeschooling wife and mother working out her salvation with fear and trembling

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hold Me

My two year old has been very clingy lately. "Hold me!" he keeps exclaiming. He is so adorable. I love him so much, and I know from reading so many blogs, books, articles, etc., that I have to hold him even if it means the house is falling to pieces around me. [Well, actually, it stays together better when I hold him, as he is usually the source of destruction. ;-)] At any rate, let's hear it for the Terrific Two's! What a cutie patootie!


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